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 “ I feel like a rejected parent. I find a baby girl lying in a ditch, near death. I take her home and make her my daughter. I clean her, pay for her schooling, feed her. I dote on her, clothe her, hang jewelry on her. Then one day she runs away. I hear reports of her debased life. When my name comes up, she curses me.”

A couple weeks ago I found myself in a random gas station, on the way to louisiana. Inside this gas station was a free library, where you could take a book & were encouraged to leave one. Me and some squadmates all grabbed books, and were on our way! The book I picked up was called ‘Disappointment With God’ by Phillip Yancey. One of the most eye opening things I’ve ever read, looking at humanity from God’s perspective.

I cannot imagine how God feels when he looks down on earth. On people who forsake him, and leave his love. He created us, gave us everything, and all he asks in return is that we love him. What a simple task, and yet we fail at it again and again. I know there have been times where I have turned my face from God, and rejected him. I cannot imagine the pain he feels as a father whenever we leave his love. And yet, even when we reject him, he still loves us, and patiently waits for us to return. The story of the prodigal son shows us all we need to know about God being a father.


 “And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.”  Luke 15:21-24


We can curse him, leave him, hate him, and he is still there, waiting  for us to come back.  When we mess up countless times, his arms are stretched wide to welcome us back. Not only does he welcome us back, he throws a celebration & dresses us in the finest clothes he has to offer. There is no condemnation or punishment, only love. 

How sweet that we get to come into his love genuinely, he doesn’t force us to love him even though he could. He gave us the freedom to not choose him. He knew it would be a fight to gain our love, and he proceeded anyways. What a humbling thing for the creator of the universe to do. He is crying out for humanity to love him back, to reciprocate all that he has given us. I don’t know about you, but it makes me really happy that it’s my job to share that love all around the world!


3 responses to “Wounded Lover”

  1. This is an amazing reminder of the intensity, and the immensity God’s fatherly love for us. It is there, just waiting for us to acknowledge Him! This is written on one of the worst days in the history of the world. A day when people are frustrated, lonely, afraid and I believe, feeling unloved. There is so much sickness, unexpected death from the pandemic. There is uncertainty with the election up in the air. People are isolated and are avoiding each other and the human touch. YET. God’s love is there just waiting for us to open up our heart to him. I pray that God envelopes us all in that love to drive away all sadness, depression and isolation. I pray that everyone remembers to be open and allow Him to fill us with love. Thank you so much for sharing. I Love you.